About WP Discussion Settings


WP Discussion Settings provide lots of options for the management of comments and controlling links to your posts/pages.

  • In Discussion Settings first section is for default article settings. The first setting deals with links you make to other blogs. The second deals with ping backs and trackbacks, or links back to your blog. The third setting in the default article settings that allow people to post comments on new articles. If you’d rather not allow people to comment on your posts, uncheck this box.
  • In Other comment settings, you can chose the guidelines for how people post comments and how their comments are handled.
  • Next, in the email me whenever section, you can choose to be emailed when someone posts a comment or when a comment is helped in moderation.
  • The Before a comment appears sections deals with how comments are published. Here you can chose if an administrator must always approve comments or if to publish automatically if the comment author had previously posted a comment.
  • In the Comment Moderation area, you can customize how a comment is held based on the number of links. In this box, you can also add words, names, URLS, emails or even IPs to filter comments into the moderation queue.
  • Both this section Comment Moderation  and the comment blacklist section are great for helping to defend your blog against spam comments.
  • Next, take a look at the avatar section. An avatar is a profile image you can have assigned to your email address when you comment on avatar-enabled sites. Here you can enable the display of avatars for people who comment on your site, filter by their rating or chose a default avatar for people that don’t already have a custom one of their own.
  • Now at last Click the save changes button at the bottom of this page.