About brief introduction of WP General Settings


First login into WP admin, expand the WP settings menu. Click General Settings.

  • The first thing you’ll see in General Settings is your Site Title and Tagline. You’ll want to make sure these titles match your site because your site title will be visible in Google search results. By default, WP includes “just another WP site” as your site’s tagline. You’ll probably want to update this tagline to be descriptive of your site, because the site tagline will also show up in Google search results for your site.
  • The next division is the WP Address (URL). For the site address URL, you can enter the URL address if you want your site homepage to be different from the directory where you installed WP. In most cases, it’s best to leave these two URLs alone.
  • The next division is the Email Address that’s used for admin purposes, like new user notification.
  • The next division are settings for Membership. With WP, you can allow anyone to register for your site. This is a great feature if you’re running a membership site. The New User Default Role is by default set to subscriber. You’ll probably want to leave this setting, since you don’t want to grant administration privileges to just anyone that registers for your site.
  • The next division is Timezone. Scroll through the list to select the city in the same timezone as you then select you’re preferred date format. Keep in mind this date format will be visible on blog posts. If you have any questions about this format, you can check out the documentation on date and time formatting by clicking the link below this division.
  • Last is Time Format and Week Starts On.
  • Once you’ve updated or change these settings according to you then al last click Save changes. Your changes will be save.